Saturday, June 23, 2012

Garmin Approach G6 Review

The Approach G6 from Garmin has undergone a total transformation that is designed to be more favorable towards the golfer. The individual will see a much more sleek and stylish golf device that is lighter and now consists of a built-in rechargeable battery. The unit is small enough to keep inside your shorts as well as shirt pocket. Garmin also has retained the glove friendly touchscreen display and integrated 2 buttons for instant access to the most selected features: Green View, Shot Measure, along with Electronic Scorecard. In addition to no annual costs this unit will arrive loaded with as many as 26,000 U.S. and global courses and counting. Let us examine several of the new innovative capabilities that you'll find.

The latest mapping feature on the G6 includes a high resolution display that now shows layup arcs. At an instant glance you are able to see precise layup numbers for yardages of 100, 150, 200 and 250 if needed. Together with the display of the hole on the screen, the individual can touch any specific spot and generate the yardage to that spot and also from that exact point to the hole. While on the golf course, this will certainly help save time in deciding to go for the hole or layup. On a single screen you will be displayed not just the layup arcs, but additionally the distance to the stick in the upper right corner as well as yardages to particular hazards. Garmin allows the golfer the option to set-up and label specific customized points on the course. The digital scorecard permits the individual an improved measure of stat tracking. The device will permit you to maintain scores for up to 4 players. Also, the individual will be able to record fairways hit, greens in regulation, putts per round, golf clubs utilized, distance traveled, and more. Each of these statistics can be reviewed at any time throughout the round of golf or printed out and downloaded on your home PC. The unit has many scoring choices which consist of Stroke Play, Stableford, Skins, and Match Play with adjustable handicaps. Make use of the distance calculating capability in the G6 to consistently update and average the yardages you hit each golf club inside your bag. Since it's possible to customize the name of every golf club, if you use more than one driver or pitching wedge it will be easy to distinguish the yardage for each club.

Games Update

While the Approach G6 has included the latest features, it remains a simple and user-friendly golf GPS. The Garmin matches up from a feature perspective with the other innovative golf GPSes on the current market. Correct course management necessitates the golfer to form decisions quickly and efficiently. Having the correct information at each point on the golf hole is the key to lower scores. The G6 system is among one of many resources you can use as part of your mission to play your best golf.

Garmin Approach G6 Review
Garmin Approach G6 Review

See more on the Garmin Approach G6 including images, videos and comparisons at Golf GPS 1.

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