In this article you are going to learn the causes of the PS3 error 80710723 code. This error forms part of a family of codes that are all related to the same cause, and are all easily identified by their "80xxxxxx" naming system. Keep reading to find out why you are now experiencing this error on your console.
Many people just assume that the cause of the 80710723 error on their PS3 is overheating, because this is a common reason for problems on gaming platforms (overheating was the cause of the Xbox 360 red ring error, and is likely also behind the PS3 yellow light of death) However, it is not caused by overheating at all.
Neither is it caused by hard drive problems, which is another common cause of errors on the PS3 platform. Tampering with your hard drive, or removing it and replacing it with another one will not solve your problems.
In fact, the PS3 error 80710723 is actually a network update issue. What this means is that an error occurred either while you were attempting to update the firmware or system software, or a game, and this has therefore caused a glitch on your PS3. The good news is that this means the error is software based, and not a hardware problem such as overheating. However, it can still be rather tricky to fix and repair properly.
The PS3 80710723 error code is often experienced on consoles which connect to the Internet via wireless connection, as there is a much greater chance of the connection being interrupted and thus the software download not being completed properly. However, this is not the only factor involved in whether your PS3 develops the problem or not.
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Now that you know what causes the PS3 80710723 error it is time to learn how to fix it yourself in under one hour. Click here to learn step-by-step what you need to do to fix PS3 errors on your console quickly, easily and without paying Sony 0 to do it.
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